Non-governmental organization

Ukrainian Geographical Society

Dear friends,
I sincerely welcome everyone to the website of the Ukrainian Geographical Society!

At this time of war, each of us is urgently trying to do what we did not have time or could not do before, to additionally do everything necessary to protect our Motherland, preserve the lives of people, the sovereignty of our state, and everything that was created by the many years of work of our People, to accelerate of our Victory, the restoration of peace in Ukraine and throughout the World, to ensure the fastest possible reconstruction of what was destroyed so that Ukraine becomes even more beautiful, successful and powerful.
Geographers have always been and will be at the forefront of those who acquire and affirm in society deep knowledge of our complex world, respect for our homeland, our own state, our planet Earth in all its natural, economic, social, linguistic, religious, political and other diversity, the human right to life and a dignified future, the sovereignty of all states, its inviolability.

Today we call for the unity of all those who sincerely profess universal values, civilized relations between states in accordance with the principles and norms of international law that have been born in suffering and formulated by mankind to protect it from new wars, confrontations and other global tragedies.
We hope that our site will be useful for its visitors. In the future we will actively develop and improve it, thus promoting even greater cohesion, uniting not only members of the Society, all geographers and representatives of other fields of knowledge and activities, but also all those who share the purpose, goals and objectives of the Society about the peaceful future of Ukraine and the whole World.
We intend to promptly provide relevant information on the activities of the Society, its departments, commissions, associations, support constructive initiatives of all of you, directing our joint efforts to accelerate the country's liberation from invaders, achieve victory and stable peace, strengthen the role of geography in sustainable development, a better future for Ukraine, decent living conditions for all our citizens.
Glory to Ukraine!!!

Acting President
Vice President of the Ukrainian Geographical Society
Viacheslav Oleshchenko

The Ukrainian Geographical Society is an all-Ukrainian scientific non-profit public organization that unites scientists, teachers, lecturers, other specialists, students, pupils engaged in geography and related sciences, as well as relevant fields of activity.

In its activities, the Society cooperates with the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, other academies, public authorities and local governments, educational institutions, research institutions, public organizations in Ukraine, as well as with the International Geographical Union, other international organizations, geographical and other public formations of the World.

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